Choose kindness 2021

While some people thrive on New Year's resolutions, I do not. When I developed my mental health condition in 2013, I realized the importance of taking life day by day. While I do have goals, and I am thrilled to be completing graduate school this August, I take early January to remind myself of what brings meaning to my life and reassess what I can do to show kindness to myself and others. This year, I am not setting a New Year’s resolution, but I am instead vowing to do something each day to better someone’s life. Whether I am taking care of my own needs, or helping my family, my neighbor, or a stranger, I want to make the world a better place, and that begins with simple kindness. Reminding someone, even yourself, that there is still good in the world is the first step in perpetuating hope, appreciation, and community. While we may try to eat cleaner, walk further, and go to sleep earlier this year, I encourage everyone to choose kindness in 2021.