Our holiday card project. Your voice can make a difference.

During the periods of my life when I have struggled the most with my mental illness, I've always had a strong and devoted support system who have been there to encourage me and remind me that I'm loved and that I will get through the difficult times. Not everyone dealing with mental illness has that same level of support, and the holiday season can make them feel more isolated.
This year, The Cassie Cares Project (made up of me and my friends) wants to give the community and people online the chance to provide some much needed kindness to some people in Ulster County in NY who are battling mental illness.

We will be making holiday cards with encouraging messages inside to distribute to the people involved with MHA of Ulster County. We want these messages to come from the community or anyone who has some kind words to share. This is a way you can directly brighten someone's holiday.
Below are some starters you can use (as many as you choose) to share a nice message of any length you'd like. You can also email in a message that doesn't use the prompts. Any kind words of support or encouragement will be greatly appreciated.

Your life matters because…
You are strong because…
I support you because…
We care for you because…
You deserve to have a happy holiday because…

You can send us your message through a direct message on Facebook (either on the Joey's Journey or The Cassie Cares Project pages), my personal Facebook account if we are friends, or by emailing cassiecaresproject@gmail.com. You can choose to keep it anonymous or let us know if you'd like your first name included at the end. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Statistics estimate that 20-25% of US adults will face a mental health issue within their lifetimes. I'm sure you can think of someone who has been touched by mental illness; if you can't, there is a good chance that someone you know is struggling in silence. Here is your chance to show support this holiday season. People don't choose to develop a mental illness, but we can all choose to be kind.
We look forward to hearing from you.

Happy holidays,
The Cassie Cares Project


  1. Hi, Apologies for the direct approach, I hope you don't mind. I love your blog and wondered if perhaps I could use some of your content on our website http://pharmacyinpractice.scot . It's basically a Scottish pharmacy magazine website. I try to deliver patient experience stories to pharmacists and other practitioners to better inform how they look after those who suffer mental health issues. Keen to know your thoughts. Best wishes, Johnathan

    1. Johnathan,
      Thank you for the feedback and kind words about my writing and for reaching out. I can't believe my blog has made it to Scotland. I would be happy for some of my writing to be used on pharmacyinpractice.scot. I've checked it out, and it looks like a great resource for people helping people. I'd love to contribute in any way I can. You are doing great things for the mental health community, those who often don't receive the attention and support they need.
      Best wishes,

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