World Suicide Prevention Day 2017 and Project Semicolon

September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day, and for so many people around the world, it's a day where they remember a person close to them or their community who lost his or her life to suicide. Some people will reach out with support to someone who has or had suicidal ideation. Some people will reflect back to a time when they were suicidal. All of these scenarios are covered in Project Semicolon: Your Story Isn't Over, described by people who have been touched by suicide. Started by Amy Bleuel, the Semicolon has become a globally recognized symbol for suicide awareness, representing that someone's story could have ended, but he or she decided to keep going.

I was excited for the book to finally be published, as I learned last year that a piece I wrote about my journey with mental illness would be included in the book. I explained how I found hope when I found my psychiatric service dog, Joey. Even though my story wasn't about suicide, I submitted it, hoping that mine and Joey's journey together could inspire people to keep going and show them that things will get better. Maybe people will research how psychiatric service dogs can change their lives too. Joey helped me realize that my hopes and dreams could still come true. He helped me uncover the strength and fight that I still had inside me. I want other people to read this book and understand that their stories or a loved one's story isn't over, and they are not alone ❤️


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