Let's talk about privilege.
I was getting ready to attend a peaceful march to support Black Lives Matter and honor the memories of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. Like so many times where I have wanted to participate in group activism, my mental health disorder left me anxiety-stricken and unable to calm myself enough to attend. I felt a deep guilt. I reached out to my disability community on The Mighty to brainstorm ways to support the cause, and I realized that if we can do nothing else, we can take time to study systemic racism through the perspective of historically marginalized people. As a social work student, I have spent a lot of time (and money) studying social justice and human rights. I thank Fordham University for facilitating uncomfortable, but necessary, conversations about privilege and power. We cannot begin to unpack injustice without reflecting on our own privilege and perspectives. My privilege as a white, middle class, heteros...