Early Intervention Saves Lives

Today I completed my 6-month long specialist MSW internship at an adolescent partial hospitalization program. Nothing in my whole education has been more meaningful than this experience. All of the kids I’ve worked with have shaped my future goals as a social worker and how I see the world. What was most impactful for me to witness was that when youth are in a safe and comforting environment, they offer each other the most genuine and authentic support. No matter the circumstance, diagnosis, or trauma history, I have had the privilege to see some level of self-growth and encouragement for others in EVERY kid I’ve worked with. 

My takeaways: 

1. Mental health in schools is a requirement in New York, and meeting the minimum quota is not enough. Skills for anger management, emotion regulation, and self-respect can be implemented at any age or grade-level. This can only happen with a combination of meaningful training and the cooperation of administration and faculty. 

2. We all need to listen to youth who report abuse, bullying, trauma, and mental health issues. We need to shift the conversation from attention-seeking to attention-needing. 

3. The stigma of mental illness is generational and societal, and we need to do all we can to end that stigma. Mental health issues are not a flaw in character or parenting, and people with mental illnesses are 10 times more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators. Stigma is the force that makes people who are suffering feel shame and guilt. 

I have been so fortunate to see kids come out of the most difficult thoughts, feelings, and situations; they are survivors. I urge everyone to support early intervention for mental health issues. As adults, we can change the outcomes for youth experiencing mental health issues, or we can at least remind them that they are not alone 💚

Mental Health America 


The Trevor Project 

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline '1-800-273-TALK (8255)' 


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