Nature and Wellness from the Mental Health Reset on 8/23/20


Nature and Wellness

“A walk in the woods walks the soul back home.” -Mary Davis

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” -Lao Tzu

“Animals are such agreeable friends. They ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.” -George Eliot

Created during the Mental Health Reset on 8/23/2020

Calming scenes in nature:

First snow of the season, watching birds and bunnies eating flowers, fall foliage, hummingbirds in the garden, pumpkin patches, rocks near the stream, Christmas trees, seeing the deer or foxes, leaves falling, the smell of rain, the sound of waves, cornfields, cows in a pasture, palm trees, smell of pine and sage, looking at beautiful buildings, the beach, Pacific Ocean, slight breeze on a calm day, the sound of snow packing down when you step on it, waterfalls, sunrises, sunsets, lakes and rivers

 How we can incorporate nature into our everyday lives:

Have a pet

Herb garden

Watering your garden

Deep breathing

House plants (or fake plants)

Relaxing with some stretching/yoga outside

Earthing- feeling the ground beneath your bare feet

Reading or journaling outside

Looking out at the woods

Raise and release caterpillars and butterflies

Enjoy the trees

Walking in the park

Meditating and listening to music outside

Keep an indoor aquarium or fish tank

Charlie says, “I go for a roll on a bike path near my house (I use a wheelchair full time).”


Useful links

Ecotherapy / Nature Therapy


Nature and Mental Health



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